Actions to Maintain and Improve Health
We at DyDo DRINCO, Inc. are implementing various measures to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of health so that each and every employee can undertake operations in good physical and mental health.
Sharing health management issues
Communication between management and employees regarding occupational safety and health
Promote exercise
In addition, the percentage of employees in the habit of exercising was at the 40%-level in a regular year prior to COVID-19. However, due to impact from working from home and refraining from going out, the percentage of employees in the habit of exercising dropped to 25% in FY2020. It is clear that the number of employees suffering from a lack of exercise is increasing.
Given this trend, the following measures are being implemented to promotion exercise among employees.
- Radio calisthenics before starting work
- Set a time for stretching during work
- Recommend employees stretch when working from home (introduce a stretching video)
- Implement a walking event that uses a smartphone app
The participation rate is approximately 25%, and awareness of this program is increasing in the company. We believe that this program has had a major impact on the upward trend in the percentage of employees in the habit of exercising, which had declined in FY2020 (29.2% in FY2021, 29.7% in FY2022, and 31.9% in FY2023)
In addition, employees that partook in the walking event and walk more than 7,000 steps per day, in contrast with the average for all employees, the result of the ratio of absolute presenteeism loss was around 10% lower.
Given these results, a certain level of walking per day is estimated to contribute to a certain degree of benefit to a reduction in the ratio of absolute presenteeism loss. In light of this, we plan to continue executing measures that promote employee walking going forward.
Prevention of lifestyle diseases
To prevent the symptoms of those at high risk from becoming serious, the company provides support, including guidance by occupational health staff.
Although the percentage of employees at high risk of lifestyle diseases is on a downward trend, we plan to strengthen our efforts to reach out to potential high-risk groups because the following items show a deterioration in the figures in the most recent fiscal year.
Recently, the following seminars are being conducted.
- Seminar for COVID-19-related obesity × the prevention of lifestyle diseases (April 2021)
- Health literacy training (September 2021)
- How much do you know about cancer? (September 2022)
- How to interpret your medical checkup results (September 2023)
How to interpret the results of the medical checkup (held in September 2023)
Approximately 40% of all employees participated in and watched the training, and over 95% of the participants responded that it was useful.

No smoking
The company is implementing various measures to support employees who intend to change their behavior related to smoking so that they can “graduate from smoking.”
- Convey a message from top management to stop smoking using a beverage vending machine with voice function
- Shoulder part of the cost for treatments to stop smoking
- Distribute no-smoking materials
- No smoking during work hours, including telework as well
- Introduce experiences of stopping smoking in the company newsletter
Addressing women’s health issues
40 years old and over: Fully subsidize the cost of a breast cancer test or cervical cancer test (only if within the scope of budget)
30s: Subsidize a portion of the cost of a breast cancer test or cervical cancer test
20s: Subsidize a portion of the cost of a cervical cancer test
Also, conducting education related to diseases unique to women.
The percentage of female employees in their 30s taking gynecological disease test is rising.
FY2018: 22%; FY2022: 64%
In addition, to improve the health literacy of all employees, we encouraged them to take an e-Learning course on women’s health issues (participation rate in FY2022: 26.5%).
More than 90% of employees, regardless of gender, responded that the course was helpful.
Mental health measures
Also, stress checks are being conducted at all offices, including those with fewer than 50 employees.
Measures to deal with long working hours
In addition, a reduction to total working hours is being recommended by having employees take advantage of the flex-time system to add variety to workstyle.
Promote the use of paid leave
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused major changes in working styles (introduction of flex-time and work-from-home systems) and restrictions on going out, the ratio of paid leave taken has decreased since 2020 compared to before the pandemic.
In light of this situation, we have strengthened our efforts to improve the ratio of paid leave taken, including the introduction of rules to encourage managers to take leave, since 2022. As a result, the ratio of paid leave taken in FY2023 increased to 62.0%. We are making company-wide efforts to achieve our target of 65% for the acquisition of paid leave as soon as possible.

Measures to deal with infectious diseases
- Partially subsidize the cost of vaccinations to prevent influenza
- Introduce a flexible workstyle to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (work from home, go directly to a customer’s company and go directly home, flex-time system, staggered work times, etc.)
- Education and enlightenment on COVID-19 through nationwide coronavirus exams
Health and productivity management-related index
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
% of employees taking regular health checkup | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
% of employees undergoing a complete health exam | 61.2% | 57.9% | 59.4% | 58.4% |
% of employees undergoing a stress check | 94.8% | 97.4% | 95.4% | 84.4% |
% of employees deemed to be highly stressed in stress check | 7.9% | 8.0% | 8.3% | 8.6% |
Working outside of the prescribed number of hours per month | 26hrs | 27hrs | 27hrs | 28hrs |
Acquisition rate for paid leave | 46.9% | 48.3% | 57.4% | 62.0% |
% of employees that smoke | 30.9% | 30.0% | 29.6% | 26.8% |
% of employees in the habit of exercising | 24.9% | 29.2% | 29.7% | 31.9% |
% of employees that are at the proper weight | 60.9% | 62.1% | 59.7% | 60.9% |
% of employees taking leave due to mental issues | 0.1% | 0.4% | 1.2% | 0.6% |
% of employees taking leave due to injury or illness other than mental issues | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.6% | 0.5% |
Ratio of absolute presenteeism loss (according to WHO-HPQ)*1 | 35% | 32% | - | - |
Presenteeism (SPQ) | - | - | 12% | 17% |
Number of days of sick leave per employee*2 | 1.1day | 0.5day | 2.5day | 1.7day |
Work engagement*3 | - | - | 3.54 | 3.54 |
Turnover rate for full-time employees | 3.9% | 3.0% | 2.8% | 2.8% |
Average number of years of service for full-time employees (as of March 31) | 19.2yrs | 18.9yrs | 19.2yrs | 18.6yrs |
Number commuting accidents (number of deaths in brackets) | 1(0) | 1(0) | 0(0) | 1(0) |
Number of employment injuries (number of deaths in brackets) | 2(0) | 0(0) | 1(0) | 1(0) |
*2:Calculated by dividing the total number of days of sick leave taken by all employees by the number of employees
*3:Measured using the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale
The DyDo Club certification system
There is a system in place to certify sports or cultural activities that meet certain criteria as clubs to support the maintenance and improvement of the mental and physical health of employees, and to subsidize the cost of club activities. The conditions for certification are that employees from several departments partake in the activities and that these activities contribute to streamlining communication within the company.
Thus far, sport activities that have been certified as clubs have included running and soccer. Meanwhile, cultural activities certified as clubs aim to teaching employees a broad range of knowledge and business skills.

Health management strategy map
The health management strategy map organizes management issues aimed to be solved with health management, concrete initiatives and contribution to expected benefits. The company is undertaking health management while working based on this strategy map.
Health and productivity management

The company enacted the DyDo Group Health Declaration in 2019 to realize our Group Mission 2030 — “For DyDo Group to create enjoyable, healthy lifestyles for people around the world” —. Owing to this, the company aims to strengthen its system to promote health management and to deploy various measures that will contribute to health management.
In March 2023, DyDo DRINCO was granted certification under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (large enterprise category).