DyDo Group Holdings


Strengthening human resources

We’re putting in place an environment that’s conducive to hiring, retaining, and training autonomous professionals in line with current trends of the changes in work-style related values and acceleration of DX-driven social reform. This approach will improve employee experience*, leading to increased productivity and innovation.

*Employee experience (EX) refers to the full range of experiential value that is available to employees through their work. This concept encompasses not only employee satisfaction, compensation, and skill-building, but also all factors that affect employees, including health and workstyle.

Transition to new workstyles in which employees pursue their responsibilities autonomously

Flexible work structures that allow employees to work at home up to three days a week
Embrace of mobile work that allows sales employees to travel directly to and from sales calls, without stopping at the office

Facilitating the careers of human resources with a diverse range of skills and values

Active mid-career hiring of outside human resources
Introduction of programs that allow employees to pursue second jobs and accept employees of other companies in second jobs

Putting in place an internal environment that allows employees to make the most of their abilities

Human resources development through the DyDo Innovation Academy
Utilization of engagement surveys
Introduction of a stock-based incentive program for employees

Announcement on Implementation of Trust-Type Employee Stock Ownership Incentive Plan